Retail3000 has the option to assign loyalty cards to customers. In first stage, loyalty cards are anonymous so they can easily be given away at tills. Afterwards, customers can register a card at the Internet so customer information becomes available for the retailer. To prevent spamming the system with random registration, RetailVista POS is able to ask the customer for a checksum when the card is given to any customer. In most situations, a zipcode is used as a checksum. The zipcode which is given by a user will be assigned as a checksum to the loyaltycard.
With the combination of a checksum and the cardnumber itself, there is a unique identification of a card which is difficult to guess. So on the public Internet, this is an ideal solution to start a registration procedure.
Below are the webservice methods to call to register a customer.
1. Execute GetLoyaltyCards to find a card, based on cardnumber and checksum
2. Execute AddCustomer() to add a customer
3. Optionally execute AddAddress, AddEmailAddress and AddPhoneNumber to add a default address, email address and phonenumber to this customer
4. Optionally execute AddLoyaltyCardTransaction to add a predefined amount to a loyalty card as a rewardr for entering customer information